Accessories siphons TYPHON

Accessory collect leaves for siphons "TYPHON" to be applied inside the same with the purpose of retaining the various debris that could clog the collection wells and related water discharge pipes.
Similarly, the accessory will leave to drain runoff rain conveyed by appropriate gradients.
It 'was designed so as to be positioned above the waterline inside the siphon, thus allowing the same, to download always in an adequate manner.

Easy to apply, is housed inside the traps with no special precautions, just making sure to insert the exact size (350, 370, 390, 400) or (450, 470, 500, 600). For a more efficient functionality, we recommend regular maintenance of the accessory can be easily removed, by going to clear all the debris that was deposited within, so that the odor trap "TYPHON" to work effectively.
Recall also that the accessory can be fitted without any problems on siphons "TYPHON" of such measures, already in place previously within the discharge grilles. It is possible with a simple operation make tea fix the accessory to the aforementioned bottom of the pan with the siphon of stainless steel rivets (fig. 2), thus obtaining a much more capacious basket, suitable in areas with a greater concentration of trees and therefore with greater accumulation of leaves and other debris that would clog the various wells of the collection of water.
Click here for the video demonstration

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